Our favorite custom shirt shop, CEGO, has teamed up with one of our favorite eBay sellers for a very unique sample sale in Manhattan. Aaron obtained the stock of Alan Flusser’s custom shop when it changed management, and is offering a sale of sample goods and fabrics from the store. The goods will pretty much run the gamut, and Aaron assures me there’s lots of good stuff. Of special note to people who wear the sample jacket size of the show, 41L. (Like me, dammit, all the way out here in LA.) You can check out photos here.
Carl from CEGO tells me they’ll be offering a special $100 labor rate if you buy shirting fabric from Aaron, and some of CEGOs fabrics will be on sale as well.
WHEN: Friday April 29 12-7, Saturday April 30 10-4
WHERE 246 Fifth Avenue (at 28th St), Suite 511, New York, NY
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